
Giving Leadership to the Mission

Meet the Tulare-Kings Counties Board of Directors


Our chapter board works diligently to ensure we are leading the ministry in a positive direction to reach young people in our area. This group of well qualified individuals from our community comes alongside our team through counsel, strategy, and accountability.

Kelly Fox - Board Chair, Kari Dykstra - Board Treasurer, Michelle Vickers - Board Secretary, Jonathan Piper - Member, Ila Benedict - Member, Dave Van Groningen - Member, Quetzal Pena - Member

Tulare-Kings Counties Board of Directors

Local Board of Directors

Our local Board members are dedicated to prayerfully establishing the policies and oversight that guide our work throughout Tulare and Kings Counties in the Central Valley of California. .


Kelly Fox, Board Chair


Kari Dykstra, Board Tresurer


Michelle Vickers, Board Secretary


Jonathan Piper, Member


Ila Benedict, Member

Dave Van Gronigen, Member

Quetzal Pena, Member